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What is SunGate?

SunGate is modular and flexible multi-layered non-finance management platform that we have developed to offer fast, reliable and accurate solutions to the demands of the payment systems world regardless of the hardware and/or operating system.

As Cloud&Sun, we created a unique architecture by embedding our know-how, that we have gained in the payment world over the years, into SunGate infrastructure. With this unique architecture, we are able to prevent probable security faults and can provide fast and accordingly economical solutions.

With the SunGate infrastructure, we strengthened the customer loyalty systems, which comprise an important part of the payment systems, with the promotion management and customer management modules in addition to the payment systems. We intend to realize your projects by minimizing long projecting processes and high capital requirements with SunGate infrastructure, which has been developed to work compliant with peripheral units such as POS, Kiosk etc.